Tracking fish through telemetry and other methods is a research field of high importance when learning about fish ecology, as well as the promising field of eDNA. On the 16th of October the annual FishBase symposium took place, and FishSec participated and presented a poster from our eel project BALTEEL-RECO.
Exiting take aways from the event was the usefulness of eDNA to locate different species in a water body solely through a water sample, and how tracking fish helps understanding the migration patterns and other ecological features important for fisheries management. Also, how a reduced fishing on bluefin tuna has helped the species recover and now appears for the first time in many years in the Swedish and Danish waters.
The full seminar, in English, will soon be available of the Swedish FishBase youtube channel.
Invited speakers for the event:
Jordan Matley (Flinders University, Australia) Global perspectives on tracking fishes with telemetry.
Naiara Rodriguez-Ezpeleta (AZTI, Spain) Tracking Fishes through their DNA.
Christopher Jerde (UCSB, USA) The critical role of data science in tracking fishes and monitoring global biodiversity.
Brian R. MacKenzie (DTU Aqua, Denmark) The return of a large migratory predator, bluefin tuna, to northern European waters – why did it come back, and how can we keep it coming back?
David Righton (CEFAS, UK) The long slow road: tracking European eels across the Atlantic Ocean.
Robert J. Lennox (Dalhousie University, Canada) Studying predation with electronic tagging and tracking technology – fundamental knowledge and applications to conservation.
Lucas P. Griffin (University of Massachusetts, USA) Unraveling the Migratory Mystery of the Atlantic Tarpon: A Call for Conservation.
Pictures below show our senor eel expert Niki Sporrong at the event, and our eel poster.