Transparency: A question to the incoming Finnish presidency of Baltfish

In a letter to the incoming Finnish presidency of Baltfish, 15 organisations have called for improvements to transparency and access to documents and positions taken by member states.
"Transparency has been part of the work programme and agenda during the previous Swedish, Danish, German and Polish Presidencies and a successful outcome has yet to be reached. We call on the Finnish Presidency to end this long running saga and fulfil the transparency requirements of the European Union."
These 15 organisations comprise a broad coalition of environmental organisations, segments of the fishing industry, as well as organisations representing anglers and recreational fishermen.
The letter states:
"Our transparency request to Baltfish is for timely access to:
- Draft texts being proposed;
- Positions taken by national members;
- Meeting notes or minutes;
- And for all documents to be publicly available online."
Published on October 2, 2019