Past Events

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Restoring ecological balance as a priority for the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy

Location: Warsaw, Poland

Dates: 13 March 2012

The Seminar 'Restoring ecological balance as a priority for the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy' is organized by the Polish Parliamentary Group on Maritime Economy, and OCEAN2012 Coalition.  It will take place in Warsaw, Poland at the New Parliamentary House, Polish Parliament (Sejm).
Seminar lectures will be presented by renowned scientists: Dr. Reiner Froese from Helmholth Centre for Ocean Research – GEOMAR, and Professor Krzysztof Skóra from the Institute of Oceanography at the University of Gdańsk. The seminar will take place on March 13th 2012 from 11.00 to 14.00.  Please see the detailed agenda below for more information. 

Attached documents:

IAP Arctic Applications workshop

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 12 March 2012

A workshop on the Arctic is being organised under the auspices of ESA’s Integrated Applications Promotion (IAP) programme in conjunction with the Centre for Polar Activities (Polar DTU) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). The main objectives of the workshop are:

  •      To identify operational user needs in the Arctic region.
  •      To showcase relevant space applications.
  •      To stimulate ideas for IAP activities leading to future operational services in the Arctic.
The workshop will provide attendees with a unique opportunity to influence the development of future services in the Arctic, and to learn about potential funding for establishing such services through ESA’s IAP programme. Date and Venue The one-day workshop will be held on Monday, 12th March2012 in Building 101A of the Meeting Centre (1st floor) of DTU, which is located in Lyngby,15 km north of Copenhagen. An Icebreaker reception will also be held on the evening of Sunday, 11th March 2012 at the Greenland Representation, Strandgade 91 (3rd floor) in Copenhagen. Preliminary Programme The programme for the workshop is still being established, but it is intended to address at least the following topics:
  •      Overview of ESA’s IAP Programme, and funding opportunities.
  •      Operating conditions in the Arctic.
  •      Space Weather Awareness in the Arctic.
  •      Oil and Gas Exploration in the Arctic.
  •      Shipping in the Arctic.
  •      Fishing in Arctic waters.
  •      Search and Rescue.
  •      Delivering information over low bandwidth connections in the Arctic.
  •      Utilising space assets in telemedicine.
  •      Use of naval resources in the Arctic.
What happens afterwards Following the workshop, it is intended to launch a number of IAP Feasibility Studies and Demonstration Projects geared towards establishing sustainable services in the Arctic. Various funding mechanisms are available which will be described at the workshop (more details at, and these will be further supported where appropriate by dedicated Calls for User Ideas and specialised workshops. Registration and Logistics Participation at the workshop is free. Please register by following the link to the DTU web-site at This web-site also contains details of the logistical information related to transportation, accommodation, etc. Please note that registration will be limited to 100 persons maximum, so early registration is advised. If you would like to participate in the workshop as speaker providing a presentation on operational services in the Arctic, please contact Dr. Anthony J. Sephton by phone (+31 71 56 55554) or by e-mail (


Aquaculture in the reform of the CFP

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 07 March 2012

On Wednesday 7th March, between 12:00 – 14:30 aquaculture in the reform of the CFP will be discussed. The meeting will take place in Room A5G2 in the European Parliament, Brussels. In their proposals for the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, the Commission have proposed large new subsidies for an expansion of the European aquaculture industry. Commissioner Damanaki will attend the meeting.

Attached documents:

The new EMFF in the view of the CFP reform

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 07 March 2012

The EPP Group  will host a public hearing on the 7th March from 15:00-18:30 in Room JAN 6Q2 in the European Parliament.

·         On March 7th the EPP Group hosts a public Hearing in the European Parliament on "The new EMFF in the view of the CFP reform".


7th North Atlantic Seafood Forum

Location: Oslo, Norway

Dates: 06 - 08 March 2012

The world's largest Seafood Business Conference, which includes discussions on the reform of the EU Common Fisheries Policy. For complete information please check the links below.


WWF Polish Roundtable meeting

Location: Kolobrzeg, Poland

Dates: 06 March 2012

The WWF Polish Roundtable meetings will resume on 6 March, 2012. The first meeting of the series will include the following topics: 1) Retrieving ghost nets in the Baltic Sea 2) Update on the current status of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) process 3) Additional topics of interest raised by the participants The meeting will start at 9:30 and end at 15:00, and will be held  at the Marine Hotel (Sułkowskiego street 9) in Kołobrzeg in the Monsun conference room (6 floor). For more information please see the agenda below (in Polish only).


Fish For the Future: The EU fisheries agreements and Policy Coherence for Development – Can EU fisheries agreements be fair and sustainable?

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Dates: 01 March 2012

Leading experts from Europe and Africa, with different perspectives on the fisheries agreements, will present their views on the conditions which may render the agreements fair and sustainable. Organiser and moderator is Isabella Lövin MEP (Greens, Sweden), rapporteur in the Fisheries Committee for the External Dimension of the CFP. The meeting will take place at Regeringsgatan 65, the European Parliament's representation in Stockholm between 12:00 – 14:30, March 1, 2012. To register email For an English version of the programme, please see the attachment 'Agenda (English)'.  

Attached documents:

Fish For the Future: The EU fisheries agreements and Policy Coherence for Development – Can EU fisheries agreements be fair and sustainable? Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 29 February 2012

The seminar is organised by Fish For the Future. Leading experts from Europe and Africa, with different perspectives on the fisheries agreements, will present their views on the conditions which may render the agreements fair and sustainable.

Organiser and moderator is MEP Isabella Lövin (Greens, Sweden), rapporteur in the Fisheries Committee of the so-called External Dimension of the CFP, which includes fisheries agreements.
The meeting will take place in the European Parliament, room ASP 5G from 12:30 – 15:00, February 29, 2012. Interpretation in English, Spanish and French will be provided along with lunch sandwiches. To register email For detailed information on the event, please see the attached agenda below.


From the brink of collapse to MSY in 7 years: success stories in fisheries management and sustainable fisheries

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 28 February 2012

The event will take place at the European Parliament in Brussels. For more information please see the main invitation in attachment below . Carl Haglund, Vice President of the European Parliament´s Committee on Fisheries and member of the BalticSea2020 welcome you to a seminar on fisheries initiatives that are strongly contributing to the proposed objectives of the reformed CFP. 7 years ago the Baltic Sea was a byword for failed fisheries. Cod stocks had collapsed and illegal fishing was rampant. Today, cod stocks are returning to abundance and governments set cod quotas in line with scientific advice. Profits for fishermen are rising as fish stocks rise. Success is possible and more could be achieved through the new Common Fisheries Policy. The main focus of the meeting is to highlight successful aspects of the fisheries management in the Baltic area as a basis for the CFP reform. The background to the successful cod recovery plan is presented as well as the regional role for the governmental regional coordinating fisheries group, BALTFISH. Also the Danish catch quota system to reduce discards in mixed fisheries and handle control will be presented. There will also be a presentation by a producer organization fishing on the MSY certified Eastern Baltic Cod stock. They are following a Code of Conduct that includes landing marine litter, developing use of selective gears and reducing ghost nets combined with a philosophy of transparent fishing operations to regain trust.

Attached documents:

Supporting small scale, coastal and island fishing under the CFP reform

Location: Belgium, Brussels

Dates: 28 February 2012

The seminar is hosted by Pat the Cope Gallagher & Chris Davies, ALDE MEPs. For registration and more information check the link below.
