
Registration now open for the launch of our report on “The Decline of Cod in the Baltic Sea”

Published on March 9, 2022

As part of our Return of the Cod project Fish Sec scientist and experts from the University of Gothenburg conducted an extensive study into all available information on Baltic cod. This detailed review of both academic studies and other literature,  provides an overview of the situation of cod in the Baltic Sea today and the factor that have led to the decline.

On the 24th of March the report authors will present their findings as well as an ambitious recovery plan for this important species.

The collapse of the Baltic cod populations was not a sudden event, but an ongoing process driven by overfishing and environmental degradation. This comes at a crucial time for the planet, when we need our seas in prime condition and more resilient to the threats posed by climate change.

In the review we collate current knowledge and research concerning the state of Baltic cod. Based on a scientific literature review of both academic studies and other literature, the report provides an overview of the situation of cod in the Baltic Sea today, including:

  • the current features and the changes that have occurred in Baltic cod biology and ecology;
  • factors/problems that are assumed to have contributed to the changes;
  • European Union fisheries management in the Baltic Sea;
  • suggested measures that may counteract these issues.

The report also provides recommendations based on the current state of both the ecosystem and the legal framework at hand.

You can register for the event through this link: