
North Atlantic and North Sea TACs 2017: Policy briefing from the Fisheries Secretariat & Seas at Risk  

Published on November 23, 2016

For the upcoming December Council meeting, at which quotas will be set for over 150 stocks, we have prepared a briefing outlining our main recommendations for certain key and vulnerable stocks.

The principle outlined in the reformed CFP means that Ministers must set quotas below Fmsy, where possible. Thereby ensuring a sustainable harvest whilst allowing fish stocks to grow. However, despite this legal obligation not to mention the well evidenced socioeconomic benefits that follow such a management approach, many Member States as well as the Commission are prone to pushing the boundaries of legality and continue overfishing. This policy has short-term political benefits but has proved disastrous for fish stocks and their dependent fishing communities.

In recent years for stocks which have been sustainably managed we are now seeing quotas increasing, and we call on Ministers to follow these examples of good practice and follow the scientific advice and the MSY obligation when setting next year’s TACs.

For more information read our letter to Ministers here and our Annex which provides detailed recommendations on a specific stocks.