
Commission proposal on fishing opportunities for deep sea stocks released

Published on October 3, 2014

The Commission proposal for most deep sea TACs is balanced and largely in line with scientific advice and the reformed Common Fisheries Policy, but fails to follow scientific advice to reduce TAC reductions for three key stocks.

Today the proposed fishing opportunities for deep-sea fish stocks in EU and international waters in the North-East Atlantic for 2015-2016. The Commission proposes an increase of total allowable catches (TACs) for four stocks, a decrease for nine stocks, and a status quo for five stocks as compared to 2014. TAC proposals for deep-sea sharks and black scabbardfish in CECAF 34.1.2 area will be announced later this month as scientific advice is still pending.

The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), called for significant reductions as well as fisheries closures for several stocks of roundnose grenadier and red seabream. The Commission has decided to not follow scientific advice and instead proposes to reduce catches by 20% per year.  Which, if agreed to by EU fisheries ministers, will not be enough to conserve these stocks

The Commission are proposing decreased TAC for black scabbardfish , alfonsinos, orange roughy and greater forkbeard, as in line with scientific advice.

The proposed TACs will be considered during the Council of Fisheries Ministers meeting in November. Ministers may, in their deliberations,agree to changes to the proposed limits for any stock.