
Review of the EU Sustainable Development Strategy

Published on January 15, 2005

The EU Sustainable Development Strategy, adopted by the Heads of State in Gothenburg in 2001, will be reviewed by the new Commission. The review will assess where the strategy has worked and where it has not, as well as what needs to be done in order to achieve further progress towards long-term sustainable development.

At the beginning of each new European Commission’s term of office, the EU Sustainable Development Strategy is reviewed. The progress made since the strategy was endorsed in 2001 will be examined and further measures that need to be taken to achieve sustainable development will be identified. To gather not only stakeholders’ and experts’ view on the success of the strategy, but also the views of the general public, the Commission recently launched a consultation which will be open for contributions until the end of October. To give your view, or read more about the Strategy, go to:

Once the new Commission is in office, a stakeholder conference will be organized together with the European Economic and Social Committee.